Earn NASM CEUs with the FiTOUR® Aqua Fitness Instructor Primary Home Study Course
FiTOUR® is offering courses which are approved by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) for Continuing Education Credits (CECs). The FiTOUR® Aqua Instructor Primary Home Study Course is approved for .8 NASM CEUs.
This is a NOT a Certification, this is a cec course to obtain cecs used to renew an NASM Certification.
The FiTOUR® Aqua Fitness Instructor Primary Home Study Course provides the tools necessary to lead safe exercise in an aqua fitness class.
- Obtain a working knowledge of the properties of water and how to apply them to aqua fitness
- Understand kinesiology, physiology, and biomechanics in the aqua environment.
- Understand risk factors of general fitness and special populations.
- Fully review safety guidelines for fitness activities and learn how to incorporate these training program
- guidelines into aqua fitness classes.
Benefits of Completing the FiTOUR® Aqua Fitness Instructor Primary Home Study Course:
Successful completion of the FiTOUR® Aqua Fitness Instructor Primary Home Study Course will provide employers and students with confidence in your professional skills. Obtaining a passing score on the online examination, will earn you the mark of excellence evidenced by dedication to increasing your knowledge of exercise in the aquatic environment.
The online study materials for this FiTOUR® home study course listed below are FREE with registration. All FiTOUR® online examinations are based on the content of the study materials. FiTOUR® encourages participants to thoroughly review the study materials prior taking the online written examination to ensure a passing score.
- FiTOUR® Aqua Online Study Manual -
$19.99-- FREE! - FiTOUR® Aqua Online Study Videos -
$24.99-- FREE!