FiTOUR FiTIP: The Benefits of Walking

FiTOUR: Benefits of Walking

Walking is the simplest form of movement.  We do it as a matter of necessity.  We walk to the coffee pot, we walk to the car, we walk into work.  Movement is vital to our bodies and replenishes our mind.  The primary focus, of the fitness industry, is on aerobic or anaerobic exercise.  Study after study, right?  Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Check. Increases brain volume. Check.  If you've studied with FiTOUR you know we support the ACSM guidelines and FITT Principle: Frequency, Intensity, and Time.  

According to Harvard Health, the "cardiovascular benefits of walking are biologically plausibile."  What we want you to understand from all the research and studies is simple, movement matters.  Plainly put, the more we move, the better our bodies can feel and perform.  As instructors and trainers, we have a duty to encourage our class participants to increase their movement and even walking makes a difference.  

Today, on this beautiful Thanksgiving day, FiTOUR encourages YOU to get moving and encourage your clients and class participants to move more!  If your facility is closed, get on your social media platform of choice and reach out to them.  Send a text message or shoot a quick call out.  Try to focus on positive support and cheer them off the couch. Be careful though, try to refrain from shaming them about the pumpkin pie and stuffing.  The list of health benefits, from cardiovascular to mental therapy, is long.  But often, people just need a push in the right direction.  

Give the push!


In Good Health,


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