Enviado por Melissa Vidito el

The FiTOUR® Core & Functional Fitness Certification Course includes exercises and concepts for personal training and group fitness programs to address the needs of both athletes and active older adults. Core & Functional Training can provide clients with improved fitness performance and more efficient performance during activities of daily life.
The goal of Core Conditioning is to bridge the gap between upper and lower body strength, stabilize and improve balance, and establish a foundation for performance with power and precision. The core consists of many muscles that work together to stabilize the spine and pelvis, run the entire length of the torso, and provide a foundation for movement of the extremities. The muscles of the core make it possible to stand up straight, move the feet, control movement, transfer energy, shift body weight, and move in any direction. The core is literally the center of our movement; when it is neglected incidence of injury increases and fatigue sets in. By conditioning the core clients see improved balance, flexibility, coordination, and alleviated back pain.
One of our favorite tools for conditioning the core is the Stability Ball. The Stability Ball is a practical tool and uniquely aids in creating torso stabilization. We recommend Stability Ball exercises be performed with control and integrity; the quality of the movement is of greater importance than the quantity of movements. Stabilizing the muscles of the core while performing movement with the Stability Ball encourages development of neuromuscular proprioception which will result in improved movement and functionality.
While performing the movement it is important to practice abdominal bracing. Bracing is an isometric contraction of the abdominals and the glutes, it is unlike hollowing which isolates the transverse abdominals and multifidus. Cueing the client to brace increases stabilization while movement is performed and therefore triggers the deep muscles of the core to support the spine.
Stay tuned this week for more ideas and tips on using the Stability Ball with your clients and classes!
In Good Health,