It’s the start of the week and again you are faced with a bad mood when you think of the work or school day ahead and those five long days until the next weekend. You, my friend, have a case of the Mondays. Boo.
Aqua Fitness is an incredible workout with many health benefits. It is an optimal format for individuals with knee and hip problems. Deep Water Fitness is especially effective.
FiTOUR® recommends pregnant women discuss an exercise plan of action with a doctor and take a few simple precautions when exercising. FiTOUR® suggests these 11 Fitness Tips for pregnant women:
Indoor Cycle improves cardiorespiratory fitness, core strength, upper and lower body muscular endurance, and speed; it reduces resting heart rate and blood pressure. There are two benefits of Indoor Cycle (and group exercise in general) that I think are of incredible value and often overlooked. Top on my list: mood and appeal.
Using a Private Facebook Group for a fitness class is a very simple and fun way to stay connected all week, encourage participants to stay on track and accountable, and share information specifically to the group. This summer I am teaching Cycle three days a week; I will create a special Private Facebook Group to keep those folks engaged, prepared, and excited for their workouts. For another class, Synrgy 360, the Private Facebook Group shares recipes, workout ideas, and I post the workout from class for anyone who was absent.
Ideally, Fitness instructors set a healthy example for their class participants at work and online. Although sometimes our lives are not consistently stellar examples of living a healthy, fit life. If that is the case, chances are the manager or club owner would prefer a censored personal page or for employees to create a professional or personal brand social media page.
Seniors are a special population that is well served in the Aqua Fitness group class. As our body ages our joints become more rigid, we become prone to injury for a variety of reasons, and often our social life fades. Aqua Fitness class addresses these issues and creates a positive environment and friendly atmosphere for Seniors to thrive. I spoke with Rhonda Gann, the FiTOUR® Director of Training Team, about three key benefits Aqua Fitness addresses for Seniors:
There are countless benefits to strength training. is an incredible source on the subject and undoubtedly the best resource for strength training workouts online. According to strength training improves cholesterol, lowers the risk for a number of chronic and fatal diseases, builds bone mass, and reduces PMS, stress, and anxiety. The benefit of strength training that seems to appeal most to my class participants is improved metabolism.
Social media has changed the landscape of how we interact on many levels. We rely on social media to keep up with close friends, meet new friends, stay on top of trending topics, and learn. Yes, learn. There is a sea of information awaiting us on the various platforms of social media. That being the case, I have come to understand three basic truths about participating in social media with the hope of growing a [personal] brand.
Truth 1: Be human.
Teaching Aqua Fitness is rewarding because the workouts are designed to help a wide range of participants. An Aqua class is a good choice for the general population but it also is an excellent exercise format for special populations as well: seniors, pregnant women, asthmatics, those with arthritis and osteoporosis, persons recovering from stoke, those with high blood pressure, or heart disease, diabetics, children, those with knee or low back pain, and the obese. Each of these special populations can be served by participating in the Aqua format.