Submitted by Melissa Vidito on

Teaching Aqua Fitness is rewarding because the workouts are designed to help a wide range of participants. An Aqua class is a good choice for the general population but it also is an excellent exercise format for special populations as well: seniors, pregnant women, asthmatics, those with arthritis and osteoporosis, persons recovering from stoke, those with high blood pressure, or heart disease, diabetics, children, those with knee or low back pain, and the obese. Each of these special populations can be served by participating in the Aqua format. Summer is the perfect time to pick up a FiTOUR® Aqua Certification and become well-versed in a new fitness format.
There are numerous benefits to Aqua Fitness. To make a case for adding Aqua fitness to your repertoire, or even adding it to your club, FiTOUR® looked at the essential benefits of Aqua Fitness and created the TOP TEN REASONS you SHOULD be teaching Aqua:
- Improved Flexibility
- Improved Muscular Strength and Endurance
- Increased Aerobic Capacity
- Improves Balance and Coordination
- Improves Core Stability
- Improves Body Alignment
- Improves Muscle Symmetry (Because of the Antagonist and Agonist Muscles Working in Opposition)
- Speeds Up Metabolism
- Reduces Stress
- Provides an exercise mode that executes less impact on the joints and bones
Water exercise executes less impact on the joints, induces a faster recovery rate from injury, and keeps the body limber. This month we are looking at the many benefits of incorporating Aqua fitness into each of the special populations that your facility serves. How would adding Aqua help your class participants or clients?
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In Good Health,