FiTOUR® Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices CEU Course

Cover of study guide for FiTOUR Professional Ethics, Conduct & Business Practices course

Earn NASM CEUs with the FiTOUR® Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices Home Study Course

FiTOUR® is offering courses which are approved by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) for Continuing Education UNits (CEUs). The FiTOUR® Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices Home Study Course is approved for 0.8 NASM CEUs.

This is NOT a certification, this is a continuing education course offered for FiTOUR customers to obtain CEUs to be used toward the renewal of a NASM certification.

NASM Approved

Language of Materials and Exam: 
In-Home Purchase Options

Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices NASM CEU Home Study Course

This registration includes the in-home CEU study course and access to the online study materials. Hard copy study manual not included.


Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices NASM CEU Course and Hard Copy Study Materials

This registration includes the in-home CEU study course, access to the online study materials, and the hard copy study manual. The study manual will be shipped to your home.
Program Overview: 

There are many challenges that face the fitness industry today. The good news is that there are many opportunities for fitness professionals to make a positive impact on our industry and take actions that will greatly improve the lives of clients. The FiTOUR® Professional Ethics and Conduct CEU Home Study Course will provide information on how fitness professionals should proceed in demonstrating a high level of professional ethics and conduct, as well as how most successfully to work with clients.

It will be of benefit to “start at the beginning” and understand how all the elements of a client’s life come together to form the individual we are working with today. Through this enhanced understanding of the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), fitness professionals can better help clients become more fit and to work toward healthy behaviors. 

We will then turn to the topics of Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/Empathy and review in detail actionable steps and information aimed at improving all levels of the fitness industry.

In the last chapter of the course, we will review a list of how we as fitness professionals should properly conduct ourselves, both professionally and ethically.

In this course you will:

  1. Obtain a working knowledge of the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and how they impact the development of each person.
  2. Learn actionable steps fitness professionals can take to positively impact the efforts of all people striving for optimal health.
  3. Gain knowledge of the differences between health equities and inequities and how the SDOH sometimes creates barriers for clients to reach their health and fitness goals.
  4. Review the definitions of equity, inclusion, and diversity as they apply to the fitness arena, and the importance of developing each of these to best serve clients.
  5. Study in detail the biases that occur in, and harm, the fitness industry.
  6. Review actionable steps fitness professionals can take to utilize empathy to combat bias in our industry.
  7. Learn how to improve the language we use to better communicate with our clients through the creation of individual acceptance, inclusion, and respect.
  8. Review in detail the standards of professional ethics and conduct for fitness professionals.
  9. Find in-depth information on business practices for fitness professionals in a comprehensive Bonus Material section.
Study Materials: 

The online study materials for this FiTOUR® home study course listed below are FREE with registration. All FiTOUR® online examinations are based on the content of the study materials. FiTOUR® encourages participants to thoroughly review the study materials prior taking the online written examination to ensure a passing score.

  • FiTOUR® Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices Online Study Manual - $19.99 -- FREE!
  • FiTOUR® Professional Ethics, Conduct and Business Practices Online Study Videos - $24.99 -- FREE!