Submitted by Melissa Vidito on

For the past two years the ACSM’s annual survey of worldwide fitness trends placed bodyweight training in position #1 and #2. In 2015 it was at the top spot while this year it fell to #2 behind wearable technology.
I first fell in love with bodyweight training after my third child was born. Three kids = no time. I sought the speedy results of bodyweight HIIT training to increase my post-baby metabolism and feel strong again. The science is behind HIIT training; we saw it on the ACSM top spot in 2014. But body weight training is for more than just HIIT work. Bodyweight workouts are beneficial for beginners, active older adults, and athletes alike. The beauty of bodyweight training is the ability to create specific, successful workout plans with simple movements that regress and progress to improving results and decrease injury.
Body Weight Tricep Progressions:
- Crab Dips – supine in table top position
- Bench or Chair Dips – progress feet away from body to increase intensity
- Equalizer Dips – progress feet away from body and transition to a hanging dip to increase intensity
Body Weight Push Up Progressions:
- On Wall – progress feet away from the wall to increase intensity
- Kneeling – in kneeling plank position
- Standard – in plank position
- Equalizer – can incline or decline, unlimited progressions available
Try these exercise progressions with your class or client this week. Simply determine the intensity starting point for each individual and build from there. Intensity levels should begin at a point where the client maintains proper form and feels successful. Bodyweight exercises should create a feeling of success and build confidence toward progressions. When progressions are added, ensure the client feels challenged but also not defeated by the progression. I often build progressions in baby steps – try four reps at the next progression this week, try six reps the following week.
Bodyweight training allows us to be mindful of individual needs, tailor workouts to build confidence, and create success for our clients and class participants. Subscribe to the FiTOUR® newsletter today and download your free bodyweight training workout .pdf! And try these movements with your class or clients.
In Good Health,