
Three Basic Truths About Participating in Social Media
June 10, 2016

Social media has changed the landscape of how we interact on many levels.  We rely on social media to keep up with close friends, meet new friends, stay on top of trending topics, and learn.  Yes, learn.  There is a sea of information awaiting us on the various platforms of social media.  That being the case, I have come to understand three basic truths about participating in social media with the hope of growing a [personal] brand.

Truth 1: Be human. 

Top 10 Reasons You SHOULD be Teaching Aqua
June 9, 2016

Teaching Aqua Fitness is rewarding because the workouts are designed to help a wide range of participants.  An Aqua class is a good choice for the general population but it also is an excellent exercise format for special populations as well: seniors, pregnant women, asthmatics, those with arthritis and osteoporosis, persons recovering from stoke, those with high blood pressure, or heart disease, diabetics, children, those with knee or low back pain, and the obese.  Each of these special populations can be served by participating in the Aqua format. 

Super Fast Cycle
June 7, 2016

Looking to supercharge your cycle class this week?  This high intensity play list is just the ticket.  With a nice long warm up to limber the body in preparation this list plays with the anaerobic zone quite a bit. The calorie burn was high and the ride was fast! 

Super Fast Cycle (57 minutes)

Joyce Hayes Outdoors
June 2, 2016

Exercising is brutal for some folks.  We see them in classes each week, that handful of members who are there because they are supposed to be there.  This group doesn’t love exercise.  The truth is, though, not loving exercise does not automatically mean that person doesn’t like being active. 

Joyce Hayes
June 2, 2016

I caught up with FiTOUR® ProTrainer Joyce Hayes shortly after her Primary Group Exercise Certification Workshop to get her take on succeeding with fitness.  As a veteran ProTrainer, Joyce has helped hundreds of instructors get their start and nurtured their professional development.  Her positive energy and motivating spirit are evident to anyone who meets her. 

MV How long have you been in fitness and what are your certifications?

Three for Thursday Cycle Playlist
May 26, 2016

It’s official – summer is here!  It always seems like a rush at the gym, similar to the New Year’s Resolution rush.  New faces pop up in class, the weight room is full of college kids, and the parking lot is packed.  Today Cycle and Sculpt class was full; folks were asking bring extra bikes in!  As with any fitness class, safety comes first.  Form is critically important to keep participants safe; beyond that, though, the environment of the class matters.  Today the room got hot and sweaty and the floor became slippery.  It is important to cue for ca

Top 12 Frustrations of Managing Group Fitness Instructors
May 20, 2016

What are the expectations and subsequent frustrations of managing a team of Group Fitness Instructors?  Let’s look at the TOP 12 FRUSTRATIONS of Managing Group Fitness Instructors:

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Combination IV
May 18, 2016
Balance is a vital component of an exercise plan.  It is often overlooked, much like flexibility, because working on balance or flexibility does not yield “results” in the same way many seek results.  However, improving flexibility and balance through Yoga will provide the body suppleness and limberness that will truly be of value with age. How many times has an older aunt or uncle fallen, breaking a hip or severely injuring the knee?  Or a relative who can no longer bend or move as they once did?  
Cycle playlist of Flo Rida and Pitbull; plus tip on eliminating low back pain during indoor cycle class.
May 17, 2016

One of the troubles often encountered during an indoor cycle class is low back pain.  This is likely because the handlebar is too low relative to the saddle height.  A simple fix is to raise the handlebar one or two inches.  Engaging the core muscles throughout the ride is also of the utmost importance.  Safety is critical to a good ride; be sure the bike is set for a comfortable and safe ride every time.

Personal Training: Should You Certify?
May 12, 2016

If you’ve held a Group Fitness Certification (GFI) Certification for any number of years, chances are you are asking yourself, what’s next?  A likely progression within the fitness industry is to add a Personal Training Certification.  You may wonder if it is the right job for you?  What exactly are the responsibilities and possibilities with a Personal Trainer Certification?
