
Top 12 Frustrations of Managing Group Fitness Instructors
Mayo 20, 2016

What are the expectations and subsequent frustrations of managing a team of Group Fitness Instructors?  Let’s look at the TOP 12 FRUSTRATIONS of Managing Group Fitness Instructors:

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Combination IV
Mayo 18, 2016
Balance is a vital component of an exercise plan.  It is often overlooked, much like flexibility, because working on balance or flexibility does not yield “results” in the same way many seek results.  However, improving flexibility and balance through Yoga will provide the body suppleness and limberness that will truly be of value with age. How many times has an older aunt or uncle fallen, breaking a hip or severely injuring the knee?  Or a relative who can no longer bend or move as they once did?  
Cycle playlist of Flo Rida and Pitbull; plus tip on eliminating low back pain during indoor cycle class.
Mayo 17, 2016

One of the troubles often encountered during an indoor cycle class is low back pain.  This is likely because the handlebar is too low relative to the saddle height.  A simple fix is to raise the handlebar one or two inches.  Engaging the core muscles throughout the ride is also of the utmost importance.  Safety is critical to a good ride; be sure the bike is set for a comfortable and safe ride every time.

Personal Training: Should You Certify?
Mayo 12, 2016

If you’ve held a Group Fitness Certification (GFI) Certification for any number of years, chances are you are asking yourself, what’s next?  A likely progression within the fitness industry is to add a Personal Training Certification.  You may wonder if it is the right job for you?  What exactly are the responsibilities and possibilities with a Personal Trainer Certification?

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Combination III
Mayo 11, 2016

The Yoga Combination III focus is on flexibility.  Often, because busy schedules limit time for exercise, flexibility is overlooked.  With regard to aging, though, maintaining flexibility is of the utmost importance.  Flexibility is part of our everyday activities:  bending to unload the dishes, tie our shoes, picking up kids, even getting out of bed.  Flexibility training allows for continued mobility and helps prevent back pain.  The more active and flexible an individual remains the better the body will age. 

happy indoor cycle
Mayo 10, 2016

Love indoor cycling but suffer from numbness or soreness in the feet while cycling?  With a few minor adjustments indoor cycle can be a happy place!  There are a number of issues that might cause numbness or soreness in the feet while cycling: inappropriate or soft soled shoes, toe straps are too tight, or feet are pushed too far into the cage.  These issues each have simple fixes.  First, be sure to cycle in a shoe with a stiff sole.  Loosen the toe strap and ensure that the ball of the foot is over the center of the pedal. 

Group Fitness Instructor Top Ten
Mayo 6, 2016

While I love and appreciate my job teaching fitness, I wonder what the participants in the rooms of Group Fitness Instructors expect.  What drives them to group fitness and why do they keep coming back?  I asked my nearest and dearest this question:  WHAT MAKES A GROUP FITNESS INSTRUCTOR GREAT? 

TOP 10 List of a GREAT Fitness Instructor

10. Do not over-talk.  You needn’t fill the void with babble.

Personal Training: Youth Athletes
Mayo 3, 2016

Many young athletes want to acquire that special edge over the summer that sets them up for a successful season in their fall or winter sport; this is an ideal opportunity for Personal Trainers with Sports Conditioning experience.  With summer fast approaching, now is the time to consider adding youth athletes to your client base. 

FiTOUR® Yoga Combination II
Mayo 3, 2016

With FiTOUR® Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Combination I complete, the body is warmed up and ready for Combination II.  This combination is a step up from Yoga Combo I.  If a client is not ready for Yoga Combo II continue practicing Combo I until it is safe to incorporate the next positions.  Combination II is also used as a transitional combination for the Yoga combinations that follow (III-IV). 

Combination I included the following positions and sequencing:

Cycle Playlist: Tecno meets Metal
Abril 27, 2016

Each week I teach cycle twice.  The first class is purely cycle for forty-five minutes.  The second is a cycle & sculpt format in which we ride for two songs and then exit the bike for one song and sculpt with weights.  Every week in the cycle and sculpt class I feel like I’m getting such an incredible workout.  Joe Franco highlights the benefits of including weight training over on (read full article here):
